Trusted and loving pet sitters

Boarding (dogs, cats)
Dog walking
Pet Day Care

pet sitteri verificati personal

Verified pet sitters

We verify sitters identity, experience and we perform phone interviews. We have more than 200 reviews from other owners


Friendly and loving

Our sitters are friendly, experienced pet lovers. They will take care of your pets like they are their own.


Confortable, NO CAGES

Confortable and welcoming boarding space - No cages, locked spaces and limited capacity. More attention and personalized care only for your pet.

TV and media appereances

How it works?

rezerva pet sitter sau creaza cerere pet sitting publica


Activate one of the access packages and begin to search for sitters

primeste confirmari sau oferte de la petsitter

Find Pet Sitter

Contact sitters, discuss the details and meet. Once you reach an agreement, create a reservation

plateste pet sitter-ul


Petsitter takes care of your pet like it were his own and you'll receive pictures and updates

Hungary's No 1 pet sitting platform

pet sitter cluj ofera cazare caini
Zsófi (dog boarding Budapest)

Evelin óriási segítségett jelentett nekem. Misi is nagyon jól érezte magát vele, igazán megkedvelte őt. Szívesen fogok hozzá és a DogSurfhöz is fordulni legközelebb is. Köszönöm!

Over 1000 dogs and cats, of all breeds and colors, have already been cared for by Pet Sitters from DogSurf

Here are a few images during pet sitting, sent by our pet sitters

Why Pet Sitter is better than jofogas ads, friends or pet hotels

Read why→

Frequently asked questions

A Pet Sitter is a verified and trusted pet lover with experience, who can offer pet boarding in their home, or visit pets at your place or dog walking.

We verify the id cards and other documents that prove their experience with pets and we perform interviews with each of them. Optionally we can verify their social media profiles or track record.

After activating an access package, you can find a pet sitter:
a) call or message directly
b) fill out a public request which will be sent to all sitters in the area and the ones available will send you a price offer.

You pay for the acces package online with card. You will pay the Pet sitters directly in cash. You also get a discount for sitting services, depending on the package type.

We are planning to launch an insurance offering for accidents and emergencies soon.

Access packages helps us to build a sustainable platform and facilitates quality assurance, operational and support activities. see more details

Become Pet Sitter

We're expanding our pet sitter team in Debrecen, Szeged, Győr and Pécs

Love animals? Have a flexible schedule and you can board pets in your home? From know, you can earn extra income by taking care of pets and while doing something you enjoy.