Why Pet Sitter is better than jofogas ads, friends or pet hotels

Here's why

Pet Sitter, better than jofogas ad

On DogSurf, we verify pet sitters identity, we have phone interviews with them and they have reviews from other clients.

Their profiles are elaborated, you can see pictures and video with them, description and more details.

Also, in case something happens, we are here to help find solutions to your problem.

Instead, jofogas ads most times they don't even have pictures with the ones offering the service or detailed description. Even if the quicker process seems more attractive, this is detrimental to the safety and support which on DogSurf we can provide

Pet Sitter, better than friends or family

We met cases in which the acquaintances whom the pets were entrusted, had to find pet sitter themselves because they could not keep up

Sometimes is it possible that friends and family accept to help, only from social obligation and less enthusiasm. Of course, we cannot generalize, it's not always this case.

Pet sitters have experienced, there are vets among them (very helpful in case of emergencies). Ther are all animal lover, they do this from pleasure and they take responsability to proper care for your pets.

Pet Sitter, better than dog hotels and kennels

  • dogs and cats are held in the confort of a family, NOT in cages or isolated compartments
  • Good prices and negociable + discount posibility for longer periods
  • personalized services to accommodate your pets's needs and routine
  • no limited spots, we have tens of pet sitters in large cities, high chances to find availability even in agglomerated periods

Find the best pet sitter for your furry friend