
Szállás kutya -ban Budapest

Simina | 3 ajánlatok Kiválasztott kisállatszitter

Hi! My dog, Noel, is a 8y old Yorkshire Terrier. I adopted him in January (from someone in my family). From what i saw until now he gets along with other dogs but he is not much of a fan of playing. He likes to say hello, spend a few minutes, but then he likes spending time by himself. We have not experienced meeting cats so I don’t know how he would get along with them. In May he had a surgery for removing 16 teeth, so he does not have yet the vaccine for leptospyrosis and kennel caugh renewed. He is a very warm dog, sleeping most of the day.

17 jún. - 23 jún.
: Szállás kutya

! Ne küldj árajánlatot, hogyha NEM vagy elérhető az adott periódusban !